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Codex Sohrakia II: The Athanasy Pact

  • Soddy (Amazon) *****
    Truly Awe-Inspiring Series

    Martin Rowe (Amazon) *****
    A Beautiful Continuation

    Louise Hays (Amazon) *****
    More to Love

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What readers are saying…


Steven O’Driscoll (Facebook)

“An absolutely incredible book, I don't say this lightly, [Codex Sohrakia is] the best thing I've read this year…10 out 10, well done.” (2023)


Martin Rowe (Amazon)

“If Amazon had a 6th star, this brilliant piece of literature, which may I add reminded me of elements of Dantes 'Divine Comedy', would get it.”


Louise E. (Amazon)

“I love this book! Just when you think you have it figured out, you don't! … I think I will go read it again!!”


Emily (Amazon)

“Fantasy is not typically my preferred genre but I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to more works from this author!”


Lisa Swenhaugen (Amazon)

“An intoxicating break from mundane reality.”


Rhiannon (Amazon)

“Absolutely loved it! The flawless blending of supernatural elements with historical romance scratched an itch I didn’t know I had!”


A Book Lover (Amazon)

“Oooo I loved this book! I think the description describes it perfectly - Outlander meets Pirate of the Carribean! Seriously, you can't beat that combination.”


Ajay (Amazon)

“I was captivated by the intense love story between Elsa and the charming pirate Captain Eduard Thane.”


Andrea Womeldorf (Amazon)

“I love this book from the first chapter.”


Kate D. (Facebook)

“So imaginative and fun, it stirred even my dusty old loins.”

About The Author

KM Taylor is an artist and award-winning author of the Codex Sohrakia series. Her other works include: Codex Sohrakia II: The Athanasy Pact and The Devil’s Conquest, which has also received great reception and award recognition in the fiction/romance category. Her forthcoming book, Fearless Vampire Hunter, is currently in final edits. She will soon be revealing the cover and pre-order/release dates.
KM’s interests and inspirations gravitate to dark fantasy, romance, and the supernatural. KM has written in many genres over the years and in several formats, including science, health, and nutrition, poetry, short stories, and fan fiction. Currently, she is working on future novels and hopes to release more than one book in 2025.

Please visit KM Taylor’s Blog & her Media page to keep up with the latest news…

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