It’s Release Day for Codex Sohrakia II & Release Anniversary for Codex Sohrakia I!

One year ago today, I released my debut novel, Codex Sohrakia: The Gifted Dark. I was unsure at the time whether I would continue the story, but the ideas kept coming, so book two was born. The Gifted Dark has had a great year, with devoted fans, two literary awards, and excellent reviews. Now, with book two just emerging. I’m both excited and nervous. What will readers who love book one think of book two? Will the readers of book one care to continue the journey? Time will tell. Either way, I’ll be delving into book three soon. Some bits are already written, other parts planned, and the rest is yet to be relayed to me by my muses.

Life has kept me too busy and distracted to write over the past few weeks. There are many real-world/mundane life plans for the next few months, but I hope to find the time and mental capacity to slip away into the worlds of my muses so that the words flow again. Thank you for your support and encouragement on social media and elsewhere.


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