So, this is how it’s going to be

I don’t yet know how long the Codex Sohrakia series will be, or how far the many tales associated with it will spread. I plan to write until I run out of ideas, or just get too old to keep going. Outside of the Codex Sohrakia series itself, or what I refer to as “satellites,” will be a whole slew of stand-alone novels. All of them, to one degree or another, will be tied to the Codex Sohrakia universe, and sometimes to one another, yet each one can be read without having to read the main series or the other books.

While the Codex Sohrakia series itself needs to be read in order, its satellite books do not.

Now that I’ve set up a universe and a philosophy with Codex Sohrakia, I plan to thoroughly enjoy playing around within its dark inspirations. I’m having a blast utilizing its characters, realms, and tropes to establish new story foundations, or simply toss tiny easter eggs into my other stories. I can’t say yet whether any of my stand-alone titles might extend into their own series. Only time will tell as inspiration strikes me. But it sure feels good to have this, at the moment, never-ending plethora of ideas and percolating plans.

My next title will be Fearless Vampire Hunter. This one is heavy with Sohrakian lore! Going forward, I believe most of my books will be far more saturated with all things Sohrakia than the tiny tidbit in The Devil’s Conquest. That said, I do have a few story ideas that are way out in left field, but will still have some Easter egg from Sohrakia.

I hope you will join me on this curious journey…


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